
On November 22, 1919, A meeting was called to organize a branch of the State Archaeological and Historical Society in Winnebago County. Clarence T. Olen, Charles Koehn, Ralph Buckstaff, Nile Behncke, and Arthur Kannenberg met and formed the Winnebago Archaeological and Historical Society.  In its early days, the society was a major proponent in marking and preserving historical sites and surveying archaeological sites in Winnebago County. The society also helped establish the Oshkosh Public Museum.

Today, the organization is known as the Winnebago County Historical & Archaeological Society maintains a strong presence in historical preservation in Winnebago County, Wisconsin. The society is located at 234 Church Avenue in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in the former residence of John R. Morgan–founder of the Morgan Company. The Morgan House was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1989 and is a house museum consistent with 1880s furnishings and fine art.